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Do you have a pet that likes to graze and get into things it shouldn’t? If you do, you may want to look at what you have growing in your yard.

Toxicity of plants varies depending on the species of animal exposed, the species of plant eaten and the part of the plant and the quantity that was eaten. If you suspect your pet has eaten anything you think may be toxic DO NOT wait for symptoms to develop, seek advice immediately from your veterinarian, Animal Poison Control 888-426-4435 or the Pet Poison Helpline 800-213-6680 (fees may apply). Symptoms of poisoning include mouth irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, decreased appetite, seizures or tremors, weakness or lethargy, excessive thirst, black or tarry stool, increased heart rate, collapse, infrequent urination and labored breathing.

Here is a list of toxic plants commonly grown in Seattle yards:


It isn’t just plants that can be toxic around the garden. The greatest proportion of calls to the the Animal Poison Control Center from Washington State concern fertilizer poisoning. To be safe, ensure all chemicals, organic and inorganic, are kept out of reach from pets (and children). This includes all fertilizers, soil additives, pesticides, baits. Also - Compost heaps or food debris containers host many different types of plant and decomposing elements that are not a good mix for an inquisitive hound

For a more comprehensive list of toxic plants go to:

These are not exhaustive list – so if you have concerns, please do your own research to ensure that you, your children and your pets are safe in your garden.

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